Sibs Sibanda

South Africa Country Director

After twenty years as a pastor and church planter in Zimbabwe and South Africa, Sibs Sibanda now runs an IT company in Harare, where he lives with his wife and two teenage children. Sibs is passionate about the integration of faith and work, and over the last ten years has partnered with like-minded organizations such as Redeemer Presbyterian’s Centre for Faith and Work, the Institute of Faith Work and Economics, Made to Flourish, The Mergon Foundation, and more recently, the Grow Center in Chicago. He co-founded the Faith and Work Alliance in South Africa to serve as a collaboration platform with the goal of equipping local churches for redemptive marketplace engagement. Sibs holds an Engineering degree from the University of Zimbabwe and completed his studies in Biblical Greek at the South African Theological Seminary. He continues to live out his passion for a gospel-transformed marketplace as Resource Global’s South Africa City Director.